UTAU plugins

a compilation of various plugins. all credits are in their read.me files.

Plugin list

lyric diaphonizer romantokana back2cv importVSQX convertvb2romaji suffix selector autoCVVC hanakago resampler patcher picedit (extended pitch editor) pastespecial humanizer utaview eng play music with ust autoren160 lyric parser frqVu freqtracer frqeditor ExtractUST HarvestFRQ Remove Notebends Fuse and split notes renzokuOn flagedit113 iroiro2 UTAlis433 velocityviewer mushi117 clipboard oto adjuster 1.0 vib2pitch velocity viewer kbf110731 pac vib2pit flagedit113 envedit163 betins-121124 donburi plugin suppin plugin 半音ピッチ おといに図鑑


  1. Replies
    1. Hello, sorry for the late answer but it doesnt seem to be down to me.
