Fukuin °C


Fukuin °C is an utau active to this day, however some of his vbs are on axfc. he has two vcv vbs and three cv voicebanks. have fun

CV vb list
CV act 1/2, power

VCV vb list


  1. Sry if I'm being needy or something but, could you possibly download Motone Yumi's VB and distribute them here? Her VBs were on axfc, and I have trouble DL'ing them, so I thought you could possibly obtain them. Here's her DL links if needed: http://tundeloid.web.fc2.com/index.html

    1. They're not downloading for me, either, and I don't really have trouble with axfc. I think her download links have been deleted or something. Often, axfc links when taken down will not disappear immediately.

    2. hello, they arent downloading for me either. 2009 files on axfc are tougher to download , but ill try again in the future.

  2. Does anyone happen to have Namida?
